Accessing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds

Accessing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
On-Demand Webinar
Accessing ARPA Funds • How Special Districts Can Request Transfer of Federal COVID Relief (Round Two)

Presenters: Cole Karr and Charlotte Holifield, CSDA

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), California counties are slated to receive $7.67 billion in total direct allocations from the federal government for COVID-19 relief funding. Each county has received the first half of its funds, with the remaining payment coming in May 2022.
While special districts did not receive the same access to funding as other units of local government, ARPA granted counties and cities with specific authority to transfer a portion of their ARPA funds to special districts.
Many counties are beginning to engage in the decision-making process for their forthcoming second round of ARP funding. Now is the time for special districts to prepare for and request funding for any eligible unmet pandemic-related and eligible infrastructure needs, as this may be special districts’ final opportunity to request ARPA funds through a county transfer.
During this webinar, CSDA staff provide a detailed overview of eligible projects and programs available through ARPA funding, plus tips for putting together a compelling funding request to your county.

Duration: 1 hour
Discounted member price: 0.00
You could save: 100.0%