On-Demand Webinars

On-Demand Webinars must be purchased by the individual viewing the course.  Please do not attempt to register someone else for an on-demand webinar. 
Please visit www.csda.net/support for more information and assistance.

CSDA webinars are offered at no charge to all members in part through the generous support of the Special District Risk Management Authority.

Disclaimer: The legal information and course content provided in these on-demand webinars are accurate at the time of recording, but best practices, laws, and regulations may change. Consult your legal counsel for the most current advice, as CSDA cannot guarantee the accuracy or relevance of the content. By accessing these webinars, you acknowledge the aforementioned disclaimer and the importance of verifying information and seeking professional advice as needed.

Closed captioning is available for on-demand webinars. Please note that these captions are automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

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"But...It's Our Standard Contract" - Sign This, Not ThatOn-Demand Webinar
Presenters: Patrick Skahan, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Has a vendor ever said “Sign this, it’s our standard boilerplate contract?” Districts are constantly negotiating vendor contracts, but how can they know if the contracts actually protect the district? This presentation will help districts build a better contract by discussing typical terms and identifying potentially problematic provisions. We will provide tips on how to avoid getting stuck with a bad vendor, spot hidden provisions that create liability, and address deal-breaker provisions.

Duration: 1 hour

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
2024 Annual Employment Law UpdateOn-Demand Webinar
Presenter: Janice Brown and Corrin Phillip, Meyers Nave

Join us for an engaging and informative webinar on the latest updates in employment law, designed to help Special Districts stay up to date with the ever-evolving legal landscape. In an era of constant change and heightened employee expectations, it is crucial to understand the implications of new regulations and legislation to maintain a fair and compliant workplace environment. Our attorneys will provide invaluable insights into the most significant developments in employment law, offering practical guidance and strategies to address potential challenges effectively. From recent court rulings to statutory amendments, this webinar will equip attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure compliance and implement best practices within their Special District.

Duration: 2 hours

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
2024 Ethics AB 1234 Compliance TrainingOn-Demand Webinar
Presenters: Gary Bell, Colantuono, HIghsmith & Whatley PC

State law requires two hours of ethics training every two years and within one year of taking office. The training is also required for certain employees. This webinar or presentation will fulfill this requirement with up-to-date examples, recent developments in the law, and current guidance from the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).

Duration: 2 hours
2024 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for SupervisorsOn-Demand Webinar
Presenters: Victoria Danna, Best Best & Krieger LLP

This two-hour presentation will comply with the requirements of AB 1825 and AB 1661 and will cover: what constitutes sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, how to recognize and avoid harassment, what procedures to follow if you witness harassment or are harassed yourself, the potential consequences - including personal liability - of harassment, what constitutes abusive conduct in the workplace in compliance with AB 2053, and orientation, gender identity and gender expression in compliance with SB 396.

Duration: 2 hours
A Guide to Creating New Board Member OrientationsOn-Demand Webinar
David Aranda, Certified Special District Manager
Tawnia Pett, Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District
Tina Knapp, Orange County Sanitation District

New Board members need a good start. An orientation that is comprehensive, factual, and strategic is crucial as they begin their service and provides them with vital information they need. This course is intended for the District administrators to prepare a proper Orientation process and provides many ideas and methods to bring new Board members up to speed as quickly as possible.

Duration: 1.5 hours
A Legislative, Legal & Local Response to PFAS: 2024 UpdateOn-Demand Webinar
Christine Carson, Aleshire & Wynder, LLP
Matt Stone, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Patrick Versluis, Orange County Water District

This session is provided as an update to the current on-demand webinar on this topic, and will supply the most current information on state and federal responses to PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), cases in the courts concerning PFAS, as well as some local special district responses to PFAS.

Duration: 1 hour
ACA 13 Membership OverviewOn-Demand Webinar

Join CSDA’s Advocacy and Public Affairs Director Kyle Packham and Legislative Representative Marcus Detwiler for a 24-minute overview of ACA 13 (Ward), what it really does and why it will protect the ability of voters and special districts to provide essential services and infrastructure to their communities. This presentation also addresses FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and provide guidance as to how special districts can offer support.

Duration: 24 minutes
Accessing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) FundsOn-Demand Webinar
Accessing ARPA Funds • How Special Districts Can Request Transfer of Federal COVID Relief (Round Two)

Presenters: Cole Karr and Charlotte Holifield, CSDA

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), California counties are slated to receive $7.67 billion in total direct allocations from the federal government for COVID-19 relief funding. Each county has received the first half of its funds, with the remaining payment coming in May 2022.
While special districts did not receive the same access to funding as other units of local government, ARPA granted counties and cities with specific authority to transfer a portion of their ARPA funds to special districts.
Many counties are beginning to engage in the decision-making process for their forthcoming second round of ARP funding. Now is the time for special districts to prepare for and request funding for any eligible unmet pandemic-related and eligible infrastructure needs, as this may be special districts’ final opportunity to request ARPA funds through a county transfer.
During this webinar, CSDA staff provide a detailed overview of eligible projects and programs available through ARPA funding, plus tips for putting together a compelling funding request to your county.

Duration: 1 hour
Addressing Cybersecurity RisksOn-Demand Webinar
Addressing Cybersecurity Risks: Best Practices to Keep Your Special District Secure

Presenters: Leeann Habte and Glen Lazof, Best Best & Krieger LLP; Debbie Yokota and Ellen Doughty, Special district Risk Management Authority

No organization is safe from digital privacy and security risks. In this presentation, Best Best & Krieger LLP Privacy & Cybersecurity attorneys Leeann Habte and Glen Price discuss ways special districts can keep their information and personnel safe. They also address current cybersecurity risks, like phishing, device loss or theft and prevention strategies, and organizational risk and insurance and business continuity strategies. In addition, they advise on security incident response plans: what to include and why, and the importance of having the plan in place before an incident incurs.

Approximately 2 hours

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
Avoiding Common Mishaps-The Reasonable Accommodation ProcessOn-Demand Webinar
Presenters: Eric Riss and Nate Kowalski - Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo

The interactive and reasonable accommodation process is rife with potential legal landmines, and employers can incur significant liability when they fail to recognize or avoid them. This session will address common mistakes made by employers when managing workplace accommodations and provide practical perspectives and strategies to reduce legal risk.

Duration: 1 hour

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
AWIA Risk Assessment and Emergency Response PlanOn-Demand Webinar
Presenter: Charlene Kormondy, EPA

During this presentation, USEPA’s Water Security Division will discuss the American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) which requires each community water system serving a population of greater than 3,300 persons to assess the risks to, and resilience of, its system. The participants will be informed of the tools and resources to assist utilities with developing their Risk and Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan, including the Vulnerability Self- Assessment Tool (VSAT), the Baseline Information on Malevolent Acts for Community Water Systems document, the Small Systems Risk and Resilience Assessment Checklist, and the Emergency Response Plan Template and Instructions. Information will also be provided on how to certify completion of Risk and Resilience Assessments and Emergency Response Plans by the applicable deadlines.

Duration: 45 minutes
Board Member and District Liability Issues 2022On-Demand Webinar
Presenter: Debbie Yokota, Special District Risk Management Authority

Having a complete understanding of the potential liability issues in your district can prevent problems in the future and even assist with efficiency and communication protocols. This webinar is a discussion of the legal role of the Board in the management and operation of a public agency and the role of individual Board members acting within the course and scope of their official duties.

Duration: 45 minutes

Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
Board Member/Trustee On-Demand Webinars BundleOn-Demand webinars recommended for Board Members/Trustees:
  • Keeping Up with the Brown Act
  • General Manager Evaluations
  • Good Governance
  • Who Does What? Best Practices in Board/Staff Roles
  • Board Member and District Liability Issues 2022
  • How and Why Involvement iin LAFCO Matters for Special Districts
  • How to Build a Better Multi-Year Strategic Plan
  • Effective Meeting Management Through Parliamentary Procedure
  • The Critical Nature of Communications in the Public Agency
    Board Secretaries/Clerks Inspiration KnowledgeOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Sandy Geroux, Motivational Leadership Speaker

    The Board Secretaries / Clerks serving California's public agencies have long been accustomed to juggling multiple priorities and overcoming unfamiliar challenges. However, the new reality of social distancing and uncertain health threats, combined with trying to serve the public virtually, has created the need for a whole new way of working. Join Sandy Geroux, M.S. as she provides a rare opportunity for us to receive inspiration, knowledge-sharing from around the globe on how administrative professionals are helping their leaders and their organizations through this difficult time, as well as group sharing of best practices and examples of how we have been able to turn a bad situation into a WOW experience!

    Duration: 1 hour
    Board Secretary/Clerk BundleOn-Demand Webinars recommended for Board Secretary/Clerks:
  • A Guide to Creating New Board Member Orientations
  • Keeping Up with the Brown Act
  • Customer Service Excellence in the Public Sector
  • How to Handle an Unexpected Surge in PRA Requests
  • Learn ADA Compliance and Transparency Without Falling Asleep
  • Records Retention and Management in the Electronic Age
  • Effective Meeting Management Through Parliamentary Procedure
  • CA Voting Rights Act Challenges to At-Large Board Elections
  • California Public Records Act 2024 Update
    Building Relationships with Your Lawmaker's District OfficeOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: CSDA, Congressman Salud Carbajal's office, Senator John Laird's office, Assemblyman Tom Lackey's office

    Every State Legislator and Representative of the U.S. Congress has at least one district office with a district director and field staff who focus on connecting with and serving the lawmakers’ constituents. This office is your first point of contact, or gateway, to your State and Federal representatives. Our panel of actual lawmakers’ field staff will explain how special districts can best engage, build relationships, and partner with Legislators through the district office.

    Duration: 1 hour
    California Public Records Act 2024 UpdateOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Darren Ziegler, Best Best & Krieger LLP

    In each recent year, either the courts or the Legislature has found a way to expand the scope and responsibilities of public agencies under the California Public Records Act. Requests are more frequent and have become increasingly complicated. Everyone is rightfully looking for innovative ways to handle the barrage of requests received, but there are also tried and tested tools that can help a Special District manage in this new frontier. In this webinar, participants will discover one new tool that can better manage and facilitate requests and will reexamine the benefits of a tried and tested tool that can reduce production costs. Additionally, the discussion will feature best practices that each Special District can begin to implement right away.

    Duration: 2 hours
    Connecting to Enhance Performance ManagementOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Fran Trant, Senior Associate, Koff & Associates powered by A.J. Gallagher Co.

    During this webinar we will discover how enhanced approaches for your organization’s accountability activities facilitate the shift away from the annual agony of the evaluation experience to engaging in continuous communication that supports an engaged, energized, and retained high performing employees for your organization. Let’s stop managing the performance of others and find ways to engage and retain.
    During the webinar we will explore how the importance of being an influencer is more important in today’s workplace than being the boss, and how the processes and tools successful influencers use with their teams will result in performance elevation through: (1) crafting mutually understood and agreed objectives communicated at the beginning of the performance cycle; (2) influencing through multi-channel communication processes to energize performance goal achievement; and (3) career development through continuous communication and coaching, results in a more engaged and retained workforce.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
    Creating & Implementing a Successful Communications StrategyOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Mary Verdin, Allie Rohlfs, and Riley Grim, Verdin Marketing

    Running a special district is a big job, and letting your community know about what you are doing, inspiring them to become and stay engaged, and garnering support can sometimes be difficult to manage with the everyday work. This training will provide theoretical and practical knowledge districts need to easily create successful communications.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Customer Service Excellence in the Public SectorOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Gil Morales, CPS HR Consulting

    Unlike many businesses that provide customer service, public service providers are often the only game in town. This customer service training program is designed for public employees who routinely deliver services in the field. This class will explore the Three Dimensions of Service as they apply to your agency: the human dimension, the business dimension, and the hidden dimension.

    Duration: 2 hours
    Developing a Groundwater Sustainability PlanOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Wes Miller, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo; Les Chau, Wood, Inc.;Sachi Itagaki, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

    The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) to be submitted by Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) during 2020 or 2022, depending on a particular groundwater basin’s prioritization as determined by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The race is on to develop GSPs by engaging public and private stakeholders; developing enough reliable data for the basin’s “water budget”; and ultimately submitting a sound GSP for evaluation by DWR. The interests of special districts around the state are implicated by serving as GSAs and/or as stakeholders with water supply interests to protect customers’ interests to have safe, reliable water supplies. Hear from our water resources experts about the latest news and how to better ensure SGMA compliance while reducing the risks of costly and extensive groundwater adjudications.

    Duration: Approximately 2 hours
    Diversity and Inclusion: Why It Matters for LeadersOn-Demand Webinar
    Jenine Jenkins, CPS HR Consulting
    Kelly Gonzalez and Traci Farris, Cosumnes Community Services District

    This course presents the foundational understanding and importance of diversity and inclusion for leaders. Leaders will explore unconscious bias and how it impacts their environment and work relationships with colleagues and staff. They will discover how their own values, culture and experiences affect interactions with colleagues, attitudes about work, and understanding of workplace values. Leaders will gain a deeper understanding of their role in promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment.

    Duration: Approximately 110 minutes

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
    Do's and Don'ts of Initiative CampaignsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Richard D. Pio Roda and Amanda Cusick, Meyers Nave

    The Secretary of State of California publishes a Statewide Initiative Guide to provide an understanding of the procedures and requirements for preparing and circulating initiatives, filing sections of the petition and complying with procedures for verifying signatures. Join Richard D. Pio Roda, Principal in Meyers Nave’s Municipal and Special District Law Practice Group, as he reviews the Do’s and Don’ts of the entire initiative campaign process for Special District employees and elected officials including how to provide impartial and unbiased information to constituents regarding ballot measures.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Effective Management of People in a Hybrid WorkplaceOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Sylvette Wake, CPS HR Consulting

    Effective people management benefits from a diverse toolbox of strategies, approaches, and tools. Managing a remote and hybrid team requires modifying some of your existing tools and adding a few new ones. This class draws on best practices of experienced managers of remote and blended teams and offers you practical ideas to enhance your bag of management strategies.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
    Effective Meeting Management Through Parliamentary ProcedureOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Lorenzo Cuesta, California Association of Parliamentarians

    A board’s objectives can be efficiently and productively accomplished if a board’s bylaws and the members’ rights are respected. Robert’s Rules of Order assures productive debate, efficient meetings, and protected rights.

    Duration: 2 hours
    Elections Update: The State of the CVRA and RedistrictingOn-Demand Webinar
    Derek Cole, Cole Huber LLP
    Douglas Johnson, National Demographics Corporation (NDC)

    After 7 years of litigation, the State Supreme Court is finally ruling on Santa Monica's epic California Voting Rights Act lawsuit. Simultaneously, the Legislature is poised for a massive expansion in the restrictions and reach of the FAIR MAPS Act, which the Legislature now wants to apply to Special Districts. Dr. Johnson and Mr. Cole will update Special Districts on what the new rules mean for their governance, their elected leaders, and their finances.

    Duration: 1.5 hours
    Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training SPANISHOn-Demand Webinar
    Seminarios web: Capacitación AB 1234: Capacitación en ética
    Presentadores: Gary Bell y Alexandra Jack, Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley PC

    La ley estatal requiere dos horas de capacitación en ética cada dos años y dentro de un año de asumir el cargo. La capacitación también es necesaria para ciertos empleados. Este seminario web o presentación cumplirá con este requisito con ejemplos actualizados, desarrollos recientes en la ley y orientación actual de la Comisión de Prácticas Políticas Justas (FPPC).

    Duración: 2 Horas
    Final Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Safety StandardOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Jonathan Vick, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo

    On December 15, 2022, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted to adopt final regulations for the prevention of COVID-19 in the workplace. The Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) has 30 working days to approve the new regulation. Once approved, the regulation will remain in effect for two years after the effective date. While many of the requirements of the Emergency Temporary Standards (“ETS”) will remain in effect, there are new provisions. Some key changes include: - Removing the exclusion pay provisions - Providing a new definition for “close contact” - Incorporating California Department of Public Health regulations - And more...

    Duration: 1 hour

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
    Finance BundleOn-Demand webinars recommended for those wishing to increase their knowledge of special district finances:
  • Fraud Detection and Protection for Special Districts
  • Reserve Policies for Special Districts
  • Grant Funding 101 for Special Districts
  • Grant Funding 201 for Special Districts
  • Is Your District “Recession Ready?”
  • Revenue Enhancements for Special Districts
  • Prevailing Wage Update 2024
  • Prudently and Proactively Managing Pension Liabilities
  • Navigating Prop 218 Rates and Fees
  • Intro to Special District Finances for Board Members
    Financing with FlexibilityOn-Demand Webinar
    Presented by CSDA Finance Corp Consultants, NBS and Altadena Library District

    Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) are a flexible financing mechanism that can be customized to fit a wide variety of capital improvement needs. From financing repairs for aging library facilities or new facilities for public safety and recreation to funding park maintenance and extending services to new development, CFDs can be crafted to meet your agency’s needs. Altadena Library District provides a case study including an assessment recently approved by 72% of voters.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Please note: This webinar is offered for informational purposes only and is not eligible for educational credit.
    Fraud Detection and Prevention for Special DistrictsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: David Becker, James Marta & Company LLP

    Financial fraud is a reality for many special districts and districts need to develop not only good internal control procedures, but a culture that says “NO” to fraud and irregularities. This session will talk about how to assess risk in your organization and develop policies and procedures that will mitigate risk and help prevent fraud. We will also provide resources to help you get started in looking at your organization and assessing risk.

    Duration: 2 hours
    Fundamentals of Tax-Exempt FinancingOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: CSDA Finance Corporation Consultants

    Special districts can access lower interest rates by taking advantage tax-exempt financing. In this webinar, CSDA Finance Corporation consultants discuss what qualifies for tax-exempt financing, what financing structures are available, and what factors to consider when deciding which option is best for your district. An update on the current market will also beo provided

    Duration: 1 hour

    Please note: This webinar is offered for informational purposes only and is not eligible for educational credit.
    Gender Identity and Expression in the WorkplaceOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Andrew Aller, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo

    Today’s employees are more knowledgeable than ever with respect to both their rights and an employer’s obligations in the workplace. Employees do not hesitate to express themselves on an individual and collective basis. This session features a thoughtful discussion concerning employee expression, particularly regarding gender identity and orientation.

    Duration: 1 hour

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points
    General Manager EvaluationsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Brent Ives, BHI Management Consultants

    One of the key roles of an elected board is good performance management of the General Manager/Executive. Brent Ives (BHI Management Consulting) is the recognized leader in providing best practices for special districts in California and elsewhere.There are some specific approaches to this task that boards need to know. This class provides structure and rationale for conducting the process, even tips on how to get staff involved. This course covers them in a clear and concise way, helps avoid common mistakes while providing a complete step-by-step approach for accomplishing this critical responsibility of the board. This class is valuable for board members, board presidents and managers who know that much of the productivity of the District relies on this process. For those who need a professional, and balanced executive level systematic evaluation process that can be made into policy.

    Duration: 90 min.
    General Manager On-Demand Webinars BundleOn-Demand webinars recommended for General Managers:
  • Keeping Up with the Brown Act
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Why It Matters for Leaders
  • How and Why Involvement in LAFCO Matters for Special Districts
  • Maximizing Employee Potential through Coaching
  • Understanding Board & District Liability Issues
  • Online ADA Compliance & Transparency Requirements
  • Prudently and Proactively Managing Pension Liabilities
  • Save the Drama: Managing Challenging Employee Situations
  • The Critical Nature of Communications in the Public Agency
  • How to Build a Better Mutli-Year Strategic Plan
    Good GovernanceOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Brent Ives, BHI Management Consulting

    Every board wants to govern well. It's about serving the public well. This course offers the perspective of a seasoned decision maker and consultant that will make you consider best practices of good governance for special districts; what your role is and what it's not, where the lines get drawn, and where to be careful. Every board member should watch this concise primer on good governance. This course is meant to provide best practices for all board members both new and experienced.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Grant Funding 101 for Special DistrictsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Alex Gibbs, Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.

    This session explores how special district staff can best to position their organizations to receive local, state and federal grant funds, including how to find relevant grant opportunities, grant writing best practices and how to advocate during and post grant submittal.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Grant Funding 201 for Special DistrictsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Alex Gibbs, Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.

    This Halloween grant writing webinar builds on the previous Grant Writing 101 edition held in March (currently in our On-Demand Library as "Grant Funding 101 for Special Districts"). Grant Writing 201 provides additional context and information for special districts who already have some experience writing and administering grant funds. Participants will learn how to exorcise the grant writing ghosts of unsuccessful applications past and learn how best to position their district and projects for spooky amounts of success.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Grassroots Advocacy and Public OutreachOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: CSDA and Washington Media Group

    *Part of the SDLF Essential Leadership Skills Certificate Program

    Take Action: Legislative Relations 101
    Since the California State Legislature writes the laws that govern special districts, engaging with your legislators and other stakeholders in the Capitol is a necessary part of leading your district. Legislators always find time to listen to the voters they represent locally. Just as you serve your community, your legislators were also elected to serve. By providing information, cultivating relationships, and becoming a valuable resource, you can ensure your district’s perspective is understood at the state level.
    Take Action: Grassroots Advocacy 101
    It's been said that "when Legislators feel the heat, they see the light." Grassroots advocacy - mobilizing a legislator's constituents to speak out on a particular issue - can be one of the most effective tools for persuading your representatives. Hearing from the voters gives legislators the political cover - and the political motivation - they may need to support your position. By taking the time to identify, recruit, educate and mobilize a handful of voters in a legislative district, you can level up your persuasive power.
    Take Action: Media Relations 101
    The media can be an invaluable tool in reaching your audiences and broadening the reach of your messages, but success with the media doesn't come easy. Reporters face deadlines every day, if not every hour. They must produce multiple stories at once. They need to produce news that’s informative, interesting, and entertaining, because at the end of the day that's what sells. By knowing how reporters work, what kind of information they need, how to answer questions, and how to make your story rise above the noise, you can become a powerful voice on your issues, and a trusted source for future stories.

    Duration: 3 hours
    How & Why Involvement in LAFCO Matters for Special DistrictOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Gary Bell and Matthew Summers, Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC

    This session will provide a practical, informative discussion of the key provisions of the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act, how LAFCOs work on the ground, and how and why special districts will benefit from being informed and active participants with LAFCO. Taught by two attorneys with significant LAFCO experience, including representing applicants before LAFCOs and advising LAFCOS as General Counsel, this session will provide participants with an understanding of the LAFCO process, why it is important, and will prepare board members and staff to be ready for their district to appear before a LAFCO — both as applicants and subjects of LAFCO proceedings, such as when a special district seeks to expand or activate a latent service power or when a rival district initiates a forced dissolution or consolidation, and as special district representatives on LAFCO Boards.

    Duration: 2 hours
    How to Build a Better Multi-Year Strategic PlanOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Martin Rauch, Rauch Communication Consultants, Inc.

    Whatever the challenges facing your district, it is critical to build a realistic, step-by-step, and well-supported plan to get there. This session will provide concrete guidance on evaluating the issues, challenges, and opportunities facing your district and developing clear board direction for the future. This lively session will feature sharing of actual experiences (good and bad) by the participants and webinar leader. The session will provide numerous practical tips that you can bring home to your district. It will also demonstrate how staff can develop implementation plans and successfully engage the board, executive team, staff, and public in this process. You will also learn how to pin down clear direction in plain English, measure results, and more.

    Duration: 2 hours
    How to Develop a DEIB Roadmap for Your AgencyOn-Demand Webinar
    How to develop a DEIB/JEDI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) Roadmap for Your Agency

    Presenter: Brandis Ruffin, Gallagher Insurance Company

    Focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) is one of the most important strategic planning efforts that organizations are and will be taking on; an effort that requires a long-term commitment to change and a steady supply of resources, support, and the right infrastructure. Many organizations are struggling to determine where they are in the current culture and climate, and to what degree there is support for taking on such efforts. DEIB and JEDI strategic plans are much more than simplistic efforts to increase diversity-based recruiting and representation. The strategic effort should touch every aspect of the organization. But where do you start? How do you gain the support and momentum to sustain the work long term? In this session we’ll get you started with a roadmap to evaluate organizational readiness and help you determine next steps.

    Duration: 90 minutes
    How to Handle an Unexpected Surge in PRA RequestsOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Christine Wood, Best Best & Krieger LLP

    Special Districts sometimes face an unexpected influx of public records requests. Sometimes these requests can be multiple requests from an opposing party in a contentious lawsuit or from citizens concerned about a hot issue, or the backlog that’s become common after a widespread crisis, like wildfires or a public health crisis. Whatever the reason, a surge in PRA requests can be overwhelming to an agency’s staff and budgets. In this webinar, participants will discover best practices for how to handle a surge when it comes.

    Duration: Approximately 80 minutes
    How to Successfully Navigate the Meet and Confer ProcessOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Eric Riss, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo

    The formal meet and confer process is the most important interaction that public employers have with their bargaining units. Depending on how a public employer engages in this critical process, it can either lead to an agreement or derail negotiations while creating liability with the Public Employment Relations Board. Join us for a wide-ranging discussion on everything a labor relations professional needs to know to satisfy a public employer’s obligations throughout the bargaining process, while avoiding a variety of unfair labor practice charges along the way. Designed for those new to labor relations, our experienced negotiators will guide you through all aspects of negotiations from start to finish, including notice requirements, proper conduct both at and away from the bargaining table, requests for information, and completion of impasse resolution procedures.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Human Resources BundleOn-Demand webinars recommended for those wishing to increase their knowledge of human resources:
  • Annual Employment Law Update
  • Avoiding Common Mishaps in the Reasonable Accommodation Process
  • Connecting to Enhance Performance Management
  • Effective Management of People in a Hybrid Workplace
  • Gender Identity and Expression in the Workplace
  • How to Develop a DEIB Roadmap for Your Agency
  • Maximizing Employee Potential Through Coaching
  • Save the Drama: Managing Challenging Employee Situations
  • Tools for Workplace Violence De-Escalation
  • Understanding Implicit Bias Through Cultural Intelligence
    Initiative 1935 Could Retroactively Invalidate Your RevenueOn-Demand Webinar
    Kyle Packham, CSDA
    Richard Pio Roda, Redwood Public Law

    Initiative 1935 (filed as 21-0042A1) is arguably the most consequential initiative special districts have ever faced, and it is now eligible for the November 2024 Ballot. Dubbed the Taxpayer Protection Act by its proponents and the Taxpayer Deception Act by opponents, it would revise the Constitution in a manner that could retroactively invalidate billions of dollars in funding for essential local services and infrastructure approved by voters and local boards over the past three years. Learn more about the initiative and get an overview about what public officials can and cannot do when it comes to a statewide ballot measure.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Intro to Special District Finances for Board MembersOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Cindy Byrerrum, Edie Bailly CPAs

    As a board member/trustee, your responsibilities include providing fiscal oversight of the special district’s finances. This course will help you fulfill these responsibilities by providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to gain a better understanding of the flow of a special district’s day-to-day transactions, accounting systems, and financial statements.

    Duration: 1 hour
    Is Your District "Recession Ready?"On-Demand Webinar
    Presenter: Che Johnson, LCW Legal

    This session will identify steps you can take to prepare, policies to review/update, and bargaining items that may require thoughtful strategy before another recession gets here. Lessons learned from the Great Recession will be shared to help avoid pitfalls and provoke a thoughtful discussion in your district in advance of difficult financial times.

    Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
    Keeping Up with the Brown ActOn-Demand Webinar
    Keeping Up with the Brown Act: An Overview of the Public Meeting Law

    Presenter: Oliver Yee, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore

    Public agency board members, and the employees who support them, must understand the complex public meeting and transparency laws established by the Brown Act. In this webinar, we will walk through practical scenarios to identify the common pitfalls, and best practices, in Brown Act compliance. Topics include agendas, closed sessions, administrative decisions, litigation, and settlements.

    Duration: 2 hours
    Learn ADA Compliance and Transparency Without Falling AsleepOn-Demand Webinar
    Presenters: Mac Clemmens, Streamline; Derek Cole, Cole Huber LLP

    Special districts face a number of website posting requirements that can seem overwhelming. But don't despair: there is hope! This interactive session will have two parts: (1) on what it means to be ADA compliant online, and (2) all the individual pieces of content you are required to have from the Public Records Act, the Brown Act, State Controller Reports, Health Care District Websites, and Open Data. Content is presented with interactive quizzes and fun facts throughout. You'll leave this session armed with a special district content checklist, links to best-practice content templates provided by the Special District Leadership Foundation, and a way to test your website to get a sense of your current ADA compliance level.

    Duration: 1 hour 42 minutes

    Eligible for SDRMA Credit Incentive Points